Venerable bishops and all-honorable fathers!
Venerable Mother Abbess Lyubov with the sisters of the convent!
Dear brothers and sisters!
I congratulate you all on the feast of the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and on the significant date – the 20th anniversary of the revival in Almaty of the monastery dedicated to the ancient image of the "Good Gatekeeper" and Saint Seraphim of Sarov.
Today we prayerfully remember the benefactions bestowed upon the Orthodox people by the Lord through the miraculous Iveron Icon of the Queen of Heaven, and we glorify God for the appearance and restoration on the land of Kazakhstan of the untroubled spiritual haven – the holy Iveron-Seraphim Convent.
The spiritual good, encompassing and combining other goods, was named monasticism by Saint Athanasius the Great, and Saint Isaac the Syrian speaks of monasticism as a revelation of the Kingdom of God on earth and a praise to the Church of Christ. Behind the walls of monastic abodes flows a special life – a life dedicated to Christ, spent in repentance and wholehearted striving to observe the Gospel commandments, to purify the heart, and to enlighten the mind. Those who responded to the Savior's call come here: "If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). Therefore, from ancient times to our days, holy abodes – lavras, monasteries, hermitages – have been of such great importance to the Orthodox people. For centuries, believers have sought to visit monasteries as purely grace-filled, prayed-in places where the real presence of the Heavenly realm and the breath of eternity can be felt. Here the human heart is drawn because here, in solitude and prayerful silence, one can detach from everyday hustle and excess information noise, feel the power and benefit of church services, learn humility, and sincere confession of sins.
In Almaty, such a place is the Iveron-Seraphim Women's Monastery, created 115 years ago through the efforts and care of the distinguished Turkestan archbishop – Bishop Dimitry (Abashidze). The bishop ended his earthly journey in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, taking the great schema with the name Anthony, and in our time was glorified among the saints – as a confessor. Opening the convent in the city of Verny, as the Southern capital was then called, he wrote: "As a bishop, I, for my part, will try in every way to ensure that our Verny community sacredly fulfills the mission entrusted to it – to spread the seeds of Christ's truth, gospel love across the region, to support the weak, to comfort the faint-hearted, to help the suffering." Shortly after its establishment, the monastery flourished and became, as its holy founder wished, a significant center of spiritual enlightenment and charity in Semirechye. Nearly a hundred nuns labored in the convent, 50 girls studied in the monastery school, and another 30 lived in the orphanage. Anyone who turned to the nuns in troubles and misfortunes invariably received support and consolation. However, due to the storm of godless persecutions, the Iveron-Seraphim Monastery shared the bitter fate of most Orthodox sanctuaries; it was subjected to destruction and fell into desolation. But even in this difficult time, the Lord did not forsake the monastic sisters, scattered by the enemies of Orthodoxy around Almaty. The monastic residents of Semirechye, the hermit monks Seraphim (Bogoslovsky) and Theognost (Pivovarov), who took the crown of martyrdom for the name of Christ in 1921, spiritually guided the monastics. The sisters of the devastated convent continued their feats in the world, performed labors in various obediences in parish churches, preserved pious traditions, secretly raised new generations of Christians in Orthodoxy, strengthened priests in confession, preserved liturgical books and holy icons. Some of them were granted to see the revival of Orthodoxy on the land of Kazakhstan.
After decades of persecution and atheistic oppression, nothing remained of the Iveron-Seraphim Monastery except memories of it in the people's memory. But "God is faithful, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments" (Deut 7:9) revealed His wondrous mercy (Ps. 30:22), and the monastery was revived – once again in the holy place the lamp of monastic prayer warmed, the crosses of the domes soared to the sky, invitingly the bell tolled. This sacred event was prepared by the labors of Archbishop of Astana and Almaty Alexy (now Metropolitan of Tula and Efremovand carried out by Metropolitan of Astana and Almaty Methodius (now Metropolitan of Perm and Kungur). Mother Abbess Lyubov (Yakushkina), a spiritual daughter of the confessor of faith Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov), was appointed head of the restored convent by the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, and she continues her noble endeavor to develop and beautify this holy place, spiritually overseeing the sisters and novices, warmly welcoming parishioners and pilgrims. The monastery's churches have become adornments of the Southern capital of Kazakhstan and a place of residence for great Orthodox relics – venerated icons and shrines containing the honorable relics of God's saints. Here are kept parts of the relics of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, and their mother Sofia – patronesses of Semirechye, the blessed elder Matrona of Moscow, the martyr Agafia of Panormo – protector from earthquakes and other natural disasters, Saint Seraphim of Sarov, and many other revered God-pleasers. The Sophia Cathedral houses the tomb of the beloved elder-bishop Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov); and the Resurrection Chapel is the burial place of the first hierarch of the Turkestan Diocese – the ever-memorable Archbishop Sophrony (Sokolsky), the apostle of the Great Steppe. It is gratifying to testify that today under the vaults of the monastery churches, a large number of people gather to participate in services, striving for a life according to the Gospel, spiritual perfection, and growth "to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph. 4:13), and the sisters of the convent, led by the mother-abbess, continue the traditions of piety and charity.
I would especially like to express my gratitude to everyone who participated in the restoration of the destroyed sanctuary. The Church will always pray for everyone who has contributed their mite to this god-pleasing act and continues their care of the monastery.
By the intercession of the Queen of Heaven, by the advocacy of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, and Sofia, through the prayers of Saint Seraphim of Sarov, the blessed Matrona of Moscow, and the new martyrs and confessors of Kazakhstan, may the Iveron-Seraphim Convent continue to be strengthened and developed, and may our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven (see Mt. 5:16).
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