13.10.2023, 10:00

Address by the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the bringing of the Honorable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos to the Kostanay Diocese

Address by the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the bringing of the Honorable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos to the Kostanay Diocese

Venerable Fathers!

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

On the days illuminated by the joy of the Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, a significant event for the residents of the Kostanay land takes place – a great relic, a part of the Belt of the Queen of Heaven, is brought within the boundaries of the diocese.

As we welcome this ark, radiating with the grace of the Sovereign Lady, each of us, like the righteous Elizabeth before us, can exclaim: "And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Luke 1:43). Everyone who venerates and loves the Mother of God will have the opportunity to raise their prayers before the relic, with reverence and hope, to turn to Her who the Savior Himself entrusted with the care and protection of all humankind.

Church tradition testifies that having completed Her earthly journey, the Most Blessed Virgin ascended to Heaven to eternally reign with Her Son, Lord Jesus Christ, and to intercede before God for every person who calls upon Her holy name in prayer. From the time of the Apostles to our days, everything associated with the name of the Mother of God is deeply venerated by the Orthodox people—places of Her earthly life, Her tomb in Gethsemane, miraculous icons, and, of course, Her robes and the Honorable Belt. Once the Queen of Heaven herself wove this Belt and wore it; it touched Her grace-filled body, and the God-Infant Christ held onto it. After the Dormition, the Mother of God appeared to the Apostle Thomas and handed him this spiritual treasure as a sign of Her perpetual connection with the faithful, a symbol of Her continual presence in the life of the Church and in human history. Touching the Honorable Belt allows us to particularly perceive the reality of the Gospel events, to fully feel the gracious power of the fervent Intercessor, and to feel Her maternal warmth in our hearts.

The miracles revealed by the Mother of God through the Honorable Belt throughout the ages are countless. Wherever the ark with this relic was brought, and prayerful veneration to the Sovereign Lady was performed, epidemics were halted, natural disasters ceased, disputes and disagreements were resolved, people were delivered from misfortunes and sorrows, and were strengthened in virtuous life. Special grace is bestowed from this relic upon those who seek family well-being. Through the grace of the Queen of Heaven, which is imparted through Her Belt, women are healed of infertility and are blessed with the joy of motherhood.

The bringing of the ark with a part of the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos is a sacred gift to the land of Kostanay in a year marked by an anniversary date. Exactly one hundred years have passed since the confessor and righteous man—His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon and the Holy Synod he led decided to establish the Kustanai vicariate see. It was determined that the first Kustanai Bishop after his monastic tonsure would be Archpriest Antonin Rusanov. Thus, in 1923, the path of episcopal service to God and the people began for the ever-memorable Bishop Timon (Rusanov). Due to the opposition of godless authorities and the plots of renegades from the canonical Church, the episcopal consecration itself could only be performed in 1925. In February 1924, the future hierarch was imprisoned for opposing the transfer of the St. Nicholas Cathedral to the renovators.

The cross of episcopal service was embraced by Bishop Kustanai Timon during the tragic god-fighting epoch, becoming one of the pillars of faith and piety, a fighter against unbelief and schism, a fearless preacher of the Gospel truth, and a denouncer of lawlessness. In labors and sorrows, the Mother of the Savior—loving and caring mother of all Christians, especially those who primarily seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)—remained a constant consolation and support to the ever-memorable bishop. The Most Holy Theotokos, whom the faithful people named the Consolation and Comfort, the Unbreakable Wall, and the Joy of the Sorrowful, strengthened the hierarchs and shepherds, the monastics and laity in the hour of fierce trials, gave courage to the new martyrs, and encouraged the sufferers for Christ. With fervent prayers, people were spiritually strengthened in turbulent times, overcoming difficulties and adversities.
"Love never ends" (1 Corinthians 13:8)—thus, the care of the Queen of Heaven for the Orthodox Church and each of us never ceases. As we bow before the ark containing the Belt of the Mother of God, let us remember the admonition of the righteous pastor John of Kronstadt: "When you come to pray to the Queen of the Theotokos, be firmly convinced that you will not leave Her without receiving mercy." With firm faith and strong hope, without a shadow of doubt in the maternal love of the Most Holy Sovereign, we must turn to Her with our desires and requests.

Prayerful labor cannot be successful without cleansing one's own soul, without repentance and reforming one's life. According to St. Gregory the Theologian, "as a cloud obscures the rays of the sun, so the sinner, who does not want to recognize his sins and renounce them, blocks for himself the rays of God's love and the mercy of the Mother of God." Therefore, as we venerate the great relic, let us zealously ask the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for forgiveness of sins, overcoming weaknesses, victory over passions. Let the main theme of our requests and prayers be the acquisition of a virtuous Christian life, of which the Mother of God Herself is a shining example.

I prayerfully wish that the bringing of the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos will bring us all healing from spiritual and physical ailments, attract grace-filled joy into our hearts, and contribute to strengthening peace and harmony in our families and our blessed land.

May the mercy of the Most Holy Sovereign Lady Theotokos and Her maternal protection be with us all.

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