03.10.2023, 10:00

Greetings from Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan to the organizers and participants of the forum "Traditional Values - the Foundation of Unity of Peoples"

Greetings from Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan to the organizers and participants of the forum "Traditional Values - the Foundation of Unity of Peoples"

Your Eminences and Right Reverences!

Dear organizers and participants of the Forum!

I greet the participants of this significant international meeting, which has brought together representatives of traditional confessions and public figures, the scientific and creative intelligentsia of Central Asia. The forum, taking place in the hospitable capital of Uzbekistan at the initiative of the Central Asian Metropolitan District, has gathered people of various nationalities and cultures to discuss current issues related to the preservation of spiritual and moral values and the strengthening of unity among the peoples living across Eurasia.

We speak different languages, profess different religions, live in different countries, but despite this, we are all united by important civilizational principles - belief in a single Creator, a common understanding of the fundamental bases of human life, deep commitment to age-old traditions, perception of family as a union of man and woman, love and respect for our history, and a striving for goodness and justice.

Over the past decades, the world has changed beyond recognition, humanity is drowning in political and social conflicts, and confrontation between peoples and countries continues. For a person who believes in God, it is obvious that the various crises and upheavals are the result of spiritual and moral degradation and moral relativism.

Today, society continues to be imposed with a culture of consumption, people are indoctrinated with false notions of freedom as permissiveness, and mass media and the internet increasingly promote the destruction of the institution of traditional family. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness" (Isaiah 5:20), proclaims the ancient prophet. In conditions where the boundaries between the concepts of good and evil are being eroded, the consolidation of efforts to uphold high moral principles gains special importance. We do not wish to recognize lawlessness as the norm because it violates the foundations of our national existence and contradicts the spiritual and moral values and traditions that stem from religious beliefs and that have historically determined the lifestyle of our peoples. Obviously, the response to the negative challenges of modernity cannot and should not be limited to a momentary reaction to emerging problems. In this regard, one of our main tasks is defined – the consistent and comprehensive cultural and moral education of various layers of society, especially the younger generation, where spiritual enlightenment undoubtedly plays a key role. It is the main tool in affirming traditional spiritual and moral orientations in the life of the people and preventing extremism. Thanks to exposure to cultural and religious heritage, a person's character is formed and civilization develops. Proper spiritual upbringing leads a person to the understanding of the Divine plan for him, teaches him moral behavior.

A special responsibility in the matter of spiritual enlightenment lies with the leaders of world and traditional religions, representatives of which have coexisted for centuries in the countries of Central Asia. Our doctrinal positions differ, but our moral stances are largely similar, allowing us to jointly confront immorality, aggressive atheism, inter-ethnic, political, and social enmity. Faith in the Creator, following His commandments, gives people the ability to distinguish good from evil, helps recognize right and wrong goals, shows the limit beyond which the meaning of a person's life, his dignity is lost. In our time, it is precisely the religious worldview that sets the limit to unrestrained gender experimentation, inhumane experiments in the field of reproductive technologies, the ideology of permissiveness, and all other destructive tendencies of the secular world that are directed against traditional views on the very nature of man.

I would like to note that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a constructive dialogue between state authorities and religious organizations has been established, which contributes to the preservation of peace and harmony in a multi-confessional and multi-national society.

I believe that the Kazakhstani experience can be useful and in demand in countries and regions where representatives of different peoples and religions live. The aspiration for such harmonious relations can be observed both in Uzbekistan and in other Central Asian countries, which allows us to look to the future with hope for all religious and ethnic communities of our countries.

I am confident that the further development and expansion of interaction between Islam, Orthodoxy, and other traditional confessions, the strengthening of cooperation among all healthy forces of society, will help us effectively resist the temptations, challenges, and temptations of modernity. We have serious spiritual, creative, and cultural potential to defend our right to live in accordance with God's commandments, and through this, to bring peace and justice to people. Advocates of secular, godless, and destructive ideology operate on the principle of "divide and rule"; therefore, only by uniting can we respond to this challenge, defend our spiritual and moral values.

I wish all participants of the Forum successful and fruitful work.

Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan

Greetings from Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan to the organizers and participants of the forum "Traditional Values - the Foundation of Unity of Peoples"

Metropolitan of Astana and Kazakhstan

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