27.09.2024, 14:45

Address by the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the arrival of the relics of Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Kazakhstan

Address by the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the arrival of the relics of Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Kazakhstan

Your Eminences and Graces,  

Reverend Fathers,  

Dear brothers and sisters, citizens of Kazakhstan!

This year marks a spiritually significant occasion for all of us—the 20th anniversary of the glorification of Blessed Matrona of Moscow, a great ascetic and righteous woman of the 20th century. Today, the name of this humble and meek servant of God is known to millions of people around the world. Many books and documentaries recount the numerous miracles that occur through her prayers, churches and chapels are erected in her memory, and daily, long lines of pilgrims from various countries form at her tomb in the Pokrovsky Monastery in Moscow.

Today, in Kazakhstan, where Blessed Matrona is well-known and deeply loved, we celebrate a special sacred event. By the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the holy relics and part of the robe of Blessed Matrona are brought to the Metropolitan District from Moscow. Not everyone is able to leave their daily responsibilities and embark on a pilgrimage abroad, but now, thanks to this event, anyone seeking spiritual help and comfort, in need of healing, or wishing to strengthen their faith, can come, venerate the relics of Blessed Matrona, kiss the holy relic, and offer heartfelt prayers for themselves and their loved ones.

The reliquary of the saint arrives in our country during the celebration of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of Christ. If we read the life of Blessed Matrona, it is easy to see that her entire life was the carrying of the cross, in humble submission to God's will and in courageous endurance of suffering. She was born blind, severely limited in her abilities, lost the ability to walk, and endured hunger and homelessness. Yet these sufferings did not break the spirit of Blessed Matrona—she did not succumb to despair or bitterness, nor did she sin by complaining against God or others. From a young age, she was guided by the Lord’s words: “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matt. 16:24), and her life became a daily “co-crucifixion with Christ” (Gal. 2:19).

Saint Gregory the Theologian once said, “Yesterday I was crucified with Christ, today I am glorified with Him; yesterday I died with Him, today I live with Him; yesterday I was buried with Him, today I rise with Him.” The Lord says, “I will honor those who honor Me” (1 Sam. 2:30). Blessed Matrona glorified the Creator by keeping His commandments, participating in Christ’s sufferings with humility and patience (1 Pet. 4:13), and through this, she became a great servant of God, a light to the world, and a source of miracles. As the hymns of the Church say, the saint, “though she did not know the light of day, was illumined by the light of Christ, and was enriched with the gift of vision and healing,” and now there is no country or people who have not heard of Blessed Matrona and her miraculous help and intercession.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill has called the very existence of Blessed Matrona during godless times a miracle. “For us, this is a sign of God's power and presence in human life, in human history,” said our Primate. The Lord glorified Saint Matrona even during her lifetime. Thousands of people came to her for help and advice during those years when any mention of God or faith was persecuted and harshly punished.

“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16), says the Apostle John the Theologian as he defines the criterion of true holiness. Blessed Matrona truly lived in love for all. Gospel mercy shone in her words and deeds and flowed freely to everyone around her. “The pinnacle of holiness and perfection,” teaches Saint John Cassian, “lies not in performing miracles, but in the purity of love.”

Though she herself was weakened by illness, she found the strength to sympathize with others and bear the weaknesses of the weak (Rom. 15:1). Even after her departure to the Heavenly Kingdom, Blessed Matrona did not wish to part from people. Before her death, she said, “Come to me, all of you, and tell me about your sorrows, as if I were alive. I will see you, hear you, and help you.”

We live in difficult times when, due to the increase of lawlessness, the love of many grows cold (Matt. 24:12), and various sorrowful circumstances create anxiety in people’s souls and fill hearts with despair. The examples of the saints are given to us so that we may grow stronger. Coming to the holy relics of Blessed Matrona and reflecting on her life full of suffering, let us first of all ask her to pray to God for us, so that she may grant us spiritual strength, strengthen our faith, and help us walk our path of life without complaint or fear, with gratitude to God.

Through the prayers of Saint Matrona of Moscow, may the Lord, who is wonderful in His saints (Ps. 68:35), strengthen all those who suffer, heal the sick, restore hope to the despairing, comfort those who grieve, enlighten the erring, reconcile those in conflict, fill our hearts with love, and bless the land of Kazakhstan with peace.

With the blessing of God and the intercession of Blessed Matrona of Moscow,  

Metropolitan Alexander

Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan

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