The initiative to translate the Bible books into Kazakh under the auspices of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan belongs to Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan.
The implementation of the project became possible thanks to the public foundation "Apostol" under the leadership of President G.G. Sosnovsky.
Employees of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District and the "Apostol" foundation, translator of the Astana diocese, ethnic Kazakh priest Elisey Kukeyev and leading specialists of the well-known translation agency "Helvetia" in Kazakhstan worked on the translation and publication.
"The publication of the books of the Bible in the Kazakh language has invaluable educational and historical-cultural significance. The appearance of this translation provides an opportunity for a huge number of people to get acquainted in their native language with the greatest literary monument of mankind, on which a significant part of the entire world culture is based. Translation of the Bible into Kazakh is a good incentive for its study and understanding, and, of course, a serious and significant contribution to the spiritual and intellectual development of multi-confessional and multi-ethnic Kazakhstan - our common Home," the Head of the Metropolitan District said at the presentation of the translation of the Bible books.
In 2022, a state religious studies examination of the translated texts was carried out, according to which this edition of the New Testament in Kazakh was recommended for distribution and use in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The edition of the New Testament offered to the reader is preceded by a short address by Metropolitan Alexander:
The word "Gospel" is translated from ancient Greek as "Good News". The books of the New Testament tell us about this Good News - the greatest event in the history of the world - the incarnation of the Son of God and the salvation of the human race by Christ from sin, curse and death. From the New Testament texts we learn about the Savior's teaching, which He preached, about the miracles He performed, about His atoning suffering and death on the Cross, about the Resurrection from the dead and the Ascension into Heaven. These books also tell about the initial period of the spread of the true faith through the holy apostles, explain the teaching of Christ in its diverse application to life, contain an exposition of the apostolic instructions and tell about the final fate of the world and the Last Judgment. Over the centuries, humanity has not been able to create a more sublime teaching than the Gospel teaching about God and man, about the meaning of human life, about the Creator's love for people. The Gospel truths deeply penetrate the hearts of people, raise human nature to God-like perfection. Only God could give such wonderful, holy ideals that raise man to an extraordinary spiritual height. The Holy Scripture, the Bible, is the living word addressed to us by the Lord Himself – the Master of the universe, the Creator of Heaven and earth. It is necessary to read this great Book as often as possible and be guided by its wisdom.
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