Eugene Ivanov

Eugene Ivanov


Date of Birth:

October 15, 1979

Date of Diaconal Ordination:

December 31, 2000

Date of Priestly Ordination:

August 19, 2006

Name Day:

November 20

Protopriest Eugene Gennadyevich Ivanov was born on October 15, 1979, in Kostroma (Russia).

He graduated from secondary school in 1996.

From 1989 to 2000, he sang and read in the kliros, served as a sacristan, ustavshchik, bell ringer, and sacristan at the Resurrection Cathedral in Kostroma.

In 2000, he graduated from Kostroma Theological Seminary.

On December 31, 2000, he was ordained a deacon by Archbishop Alexander of Kostroma and Galich in a celibate state.

From January 7, 2001, he was a regular deacon at the Church of the Righteous Alexius, the Man of God, at Kostroma Theological Seminary.

From February 1, 2002, he was a regular deacon at the Epiphany–Anastasiin Cathedral in Kostroma.

From October 9, 2001, to August 30, 2003, he was the assistant rector of Kostroma Theological Seminary for educational work.

From September 1, 2003, to May 31, 2006, he was the vice–rector of Kostroma Theological Seminary for educational work.

In 2006, he graduated from Moscow Theological Academy.

On August 19, 2006, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop Alexander of Kostroma and Galich and appointed as a regular cleric at the Epiphany–Anastasiin Cathedral in Kostroma.

From April 1, 2010, he has been a cleric of the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty.

From April 1, 2010, he has been the head of the press service and information department of the Almaty Diocese.

Since December 18, he has been a member of the Theological Commission of the Metropolitan District of Kazakhstan.

Since December 28, 2010, he has been a member of the Diocesan Council of the Almaty Diocese.

Since January 1, 2011, he has been the head of the information department of the Metropolitan District of Kazakhstan.


  • 2000 – Kostroma Theological Seminary.
  • 2006 – Moscow Theological Academy.

Place of Work:

  • Head of the Information Department of the Metropolitan District.
  • Cleric of the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty.

Hierarchical Awards:

  • 2004 – Double Orarion;
  • 2006 – Epigonation;
  • 2006 – Skufia;
  • 2007 – Pectoral Cross;
  • 2010 – Rank of Protopriest.

Church Awards:

  • 2012 – Medal "In Commemoration of the 140th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Turkestan Diocese";
  • 2013 – Order of Confessor Sebastian of Karaganda;
  • 2015 – Order of Hieromartyrs Seraphim and Theognost of Almaty.
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