Divine Service
25.12.2024, 16:00

On the Feast of St. Spyridon of Trimythous, Metropolitan Alexander Celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Representation Church of the Metropolis in Moscow

On the Feast of St. Spyridon of Trimythous, Metropolitan Alexander Celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Representation Church of the Metropolis in Moscow
December 25, 2024 – the commemoration of St. Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, the Wonderworker.
Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love, and their Mother Sophia, located at the Patriarchal Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Metropolis in Kazakhstan in Moscow.
Concelebrating with His Eminence were: Archimandrite Sergy (Karamyshev), Dean of Astana parishes; Hieromonk Anthony (Drobyazko), Sacristan of the Church of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love, and their Mother Sophia; Igumen Agafangel (Gagua), Prorector of Almaty Theological Seminary, Doctor of Theology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and Professor; Protopriest Oleg Kalmykov, Rector of the Church of St. John of Kronstadt in Lisakovsk; Protopriest Alexy Fedorenko; Hieromonk Alexander (Serpeninov); Hieromonk Victorin (Aseyev); Hieromonk Daniel (Makagon); Deacon Anatoly Ledenev and Deacon Roman Frolov.
The choir, directed by Anna Rozhnova, provided the liturgical chanting.
The service was attended by staff members of the Representation and parishioners of the church.
At the conclusion of the Liturgy, a glorification service was held before the icon of St. Spyridon. Metropolitan Alexander then congratulated the clergy and faithful on the commemoration of this beloved saint in the Orthodox world and delivered a homily.
“St. Spyridon of Trimythous was born at the end of the 3rd century on the island of Cyprus. He devoted all his resources to helping his neighbors and strangers, offering assistance to those in need, for which the Lord granted him the gift of wonderworking. After his ordination as Bishop of the Cypriot city of Trimythous, the saint maintained his humble way of life, combining pastoral ministry with acts of mercy. According to church historians, St. Spyridon participated in the proceedings of the First Ecumenical Council in 325. His simple speech demonstrated to all the weakness of human wisdom in the face of Divine Wisdom. The hierarch vividly proved the Unity of the Holy Trinity against the heretics. Holding a brick in his hand, he squeezed it, and immediately fire rose from it, water flowed downward, and clay remained in his hand. ‘Here are three elements, yet the brick is one,’ said St. Spyridon, ‘so it is with the Holy Trinity – Three Persons, but one Godhead.’
The entire life of the saint amazes us with his extraordinary kindness, simplicity, and the power of miracles granted to him by the Lord. At his word, the dead were raised, storms were calmed, idols were shattered, the sick were healed, and demons were cast out. Through his intercession, those suffering from poverty and want were delivered, receiving sufficient material blessings from the Lord.
The commemoration of St. Spyridon invites us to measure our lives against his. The saint of Trimythous points us to the Christian path of perfection, reminding us of the need to assist our neighbors in their sufferings and afflictions. Each of our lives should grow richer daily through acts of mercy, which adorn human life: ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven’ (Matt. 5:16).” – From the homily of Metropolitan Alexander.
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