Divine Service
31.12.2024, 18:10

The Head of the Kazakh Metropolitan District Conducts a New Year Prayer Service at the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty

The Head of the Kazakh Metropolitan District Conducts a New Year Prayer Service at the Ascension Cathedral in Almaty
December 31, 2024. Almaty. Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan led the prayer service marking the beginning of the New Year at the Ascension Cathedral.
Concelebrating with the Head of the Orthodox Church in Kazakhstan were the vicars of the Astana Diocese: Bishop Gennady of Kaskelen, Chancellor of the Kazakh Metropolitan District; Bishop Klavdian of Taldykorgan; and Bishop Veniamin of Talgar. They were joined by Archpriest Valery Zakharov, Dean of Almaty Parishes and Rector of the St. Nicholas Cathedral; Archpriest Evgeny Vorobyov, Rector of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”; Archimandrite Ioann (Sazonov), Spiritual Father of the Almaty Diocese; and Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov, Acting Rector of the Almaty Theological Seminary and Head of the Metropolitan District’s Information and Publishing Department. Also participating were heads of diocesan departments and commissions, rectors and clergy from Almaty parishes, and cathedral clergy.
As per tradition, parishioners from churches across Almaty gathered at the Ascension Cathedral to give thanks to God for the past year and to seek divine assistance for the coming year.
Before the service, Archpriest Evgeny Ivanov read Metropolitan Alexander’s address for the upcoming New Year 2025. The prayer service began with the hymn “O Heavenly King,” sung by the congregation together with the clergy.
The hymns were performed by the Metropolitan District Choir, conducted by O.N. Ovchinnikov, Honored Artist of Russia and member of the Patriarchal Church-Public Council for Church Singing.
At the conclusion of the prayer service, the Metropolitan Choir performed the ancient majestic hymn “Te Deum,” attributed to St. Ambrose of Milan.
The service was recorded by the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan’s television studio “Semirechie” (Director: Honored Worker of Culture Viktoria Posadneva; Camera Operator: A. Schmidt) and photographed by A. Shcheglov from the Information Department.
Metropolitan Alexander addressed the faithful with New Year’s greetings and a sermon, after which he sprinkled holy water on the worshipers.
“Time is a divine gift for our lives. This past year has been such a gift, and so is the upcoming year—a great and mysterious gift. We must use this gift wisely and, having multiplied it, return it to God filled with good deeds and virtuous achievements. The New Year is like a new book with blank pages. All 365 pages of this book will be filled with our actions, thoughts, and words. It is important to remember that time is given by God for spiritual growth and formation. Earthly life is the beginning of eternity, and we must value every hour of it. Once, St. Sebastian of Karaganda asked his spiritual children, ‘What is the most precious thing in the world?’ He then answered his own question: ‘Time is the most precious thing! And what do we waste thoughtlessly and uselessly? Time! What do we fail to value or respect enough? Time! Lose time, and you lose yourself! Lose everything!’ Let us remember, brothers and sisters, that all opportunities for a holy and pious life, all labors for salvation here on earth, will yield abundant fruit in eternal life.
May peace, health, and happiness be with you in the New Year! May the Lord’s blessing, the grace of the Most Pure Mother of God, and the intercession of the New Martyrs and Confessors be with us all!” From the sermon of Metropolitan Alexander.
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