Divine Service
03.10.2024, 15:00

Commemoration of the Righteous Princes Oleg of Bryansk and Michael of Chernigov Prayerfully Celebrated in the Southern Capital

Commemoration of the Righteous Princes Oleg of Bryansk and Michael of Chernigov Prayerfully Celebrated in the Southern Capital

October 3, 2024 – the afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross; the feast day of the Holy Righteous Prince Oleg of Bryansk and the confessor Prince Michael of Chernigov.

Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Blessed Matrona of Moscow in the Iveron-Seraphim Women’s Monastery in Almaty.

Serving with His Eminence were: Protopriest Valery Zakharov, dean of the churches of Almaty and rector of St. Nicholas Cathedral; Priest Vladislav Mishin, rector of the Church of St. Martin the Confessor in Moscow; Hieromonk Cherubim (Levin), head of the personal secretariat of the Metropolitan; Hieromonk Prokhor (Endovitsky); Hierodeacon Athanasius (Kozel); and Deacon Roman Karaman.

Praying during the service were: Abbess Lyubov (Yakushkina), the superior of the Iveron-Seraphim Women’s Monastery, along with the sisters of the monastery; the secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolis, Honored Artist of Russia O.N. Ovchinnikov; Protopriest Evgeny Vorobyov, rector of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in Almaty; Protopriest Evgeny Ivanov, acting rector of Almaty Theological Seminary and head of the Information Department of the Metropolitan District; Priest Ioann Livinsky, Vice-Rector for Spiritual Formation; Priest Peter Bakhtiyarov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; Priest Alexander Shishlov, head of the seminary’s office; L.E. Goricheva, head of the Seminary’s choir department; members of the teaching faculty and students of the Almaty Theological Seminary.

For the prayerful veneration of the faithful, an icon with a relic of the Righteous Prince Oleg of Bryansk was brought to the service.

The choir of the Sophia Cathedral of the Iveron-Seraphim Monastery, conducted by O. Usoltseva, sang during the service.

The Liturgy concluded with veneration of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross and the glorification of the Righteous Princes Oleg of Bryansk and Michael of Chernigov, after which the Head of the Metropolitan District delivered a sermon to the faithful.

On the feast day of the Righteous Prince Oleg of Bryansk, Oleg Nikolaevich Ovchinnikov, the Secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolis, Honored Artist, conductor of the Metropolitan Choir, and church composer, celebrates his name day.

Metropolitan Alexander warmly congratulated the maestro on his angel’s day, wishing Oleg Ovchinnikov grace from the Lord, strength of soul and body, creative success, many years of life, and God’s help in his labors for the benefit of the Church of Christ. The Bishop presented Oleg Nikolaevich with holy prosphora and a bouquet of flowers.

Protopriest Valery Zakharov, on behalf of the clergy of the Almaty Diocese, congratulated the Secretary of the Kazakhstan Metropolis on his name day and wished the maestro many years of life.

Protopriest Evgeny Ivanov, on behalf of the administration, faculty, and students of the theological school, offered congratulations to Oleg Nikolaevich and also presented him with a bouquet of flowers.

A Many Years was proclaimed for all those celebrating their name day on the feast of the Righteous Princes Oleg of Bryansk and Michael of Chernigov.

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