Divine Service
31.08.2024, 16:30

A Children's Divine Liturgy was Held at the Kazan Cathedral in Almaty, Marking the Start of the School Year

A Children's Divine Liturgy was Held at the Kazan Cathedral in Almaty, Marking the Start of the School Year

On August 31, 2024—the Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the commemoration of the martyrs Florus and Laurus, and the feast day of the Icon of the Mother of God "Pantanassa".

Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the oldest church in the southern capital, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Cathedral.

A distinctive feature of the service was the participation of children from the Sunday schools of the churches of Almaty and the Almaty region.

His Eminence was concelebrated by the vicars of the Astana Diocese—Bishop Klavdian of Taldykorgan and Bishop Veniamin of Talgar; the dean of the churches of Almaty and rector of St. Nicholas Cathedral, Protopriest Valery Zakharov; the sacristan of the Nativity of Christ Cathedral, Protopriest Alexander Gaichenya; the rector of the Epiphany Church, Protopriest Valery Shavrin; the head of the Metropolitan's personal secretariat, Hieromonk Prokhor (Endovitsky); the sacristan of the Kazan Cathedral in Almaty, Priest Georgy Rublinsky; Protodeacon Nikolay Grinkevich; the head of the Metropolitan's protocol service, Protodeacon Roman Golovin; Protodeacon Vladimir Syrovatsky; Deacon Konstantin Volnyagin; and Deacon Ioann Churkin.

By the beginning of the service, a precise replica of the wonder-working icon of the Mother of God "Healer" was brought to the oldest church in the Southern Capital for the prayerful veneration and spiritual strengthening of the faithful.

The singing was performed by a combined children's choir from the Sunday schools of the Southern Capital under the direction of N. Golovina.

Among those praying at the Liturgy were the head of the public foundation "Apostle" G.G. Sosnovsky, teachers and students of Sunday schools, students of general education schools and secular educational institutions of Almaty, and parishioners of the church.

The post-Communion sermon was delivered by Protopriest Valery Shavrin.

Numerous young participants in the service received the life-giving Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The Liturgy concluded with a doxology in honor of the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, after which Metropolitan Alexander delivered a sermon.

The Head of the Orthodox Church conducted a prayer service for the beginning of the new school year, after which he addressed those gathered with words of guidance and bestowed his archpastoral blessing upon the children and young people.

In recognition of his efforts for the benefit of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, M.B. Kolmakov, a member of the "Apostol" Public Foundation, was awarded the "Enbek Üshin" (For Labor) Order.

After the service, a festive concert for children took place in the "Folk Tales Park of the Nations of Kazakhstan," located near the Kazan Cathedral.

"Congratulations on this special day that unites children and adults, teachers and educators, schoolchildren and students—the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year. School and student years can rightfully be called the best period of a person's life, as it is a time of youth, a time of personal formation and intense development, a time for acquiring essential knowledge necessary for future professional and creative activities.
 At the same time, during this bright period, a young person must cultivate diligence and determination, learn to overcome laziness and other moral ailments.
 Young men and women face the challenge of learning to respect their mentors and peers and diligently mastering the subjects taught. In childhood and youth, people, through their spiritual and moral choices, habits, actions, and words, shape their relationships with God and others for decades to come, determining the course of their entire lives.
 'For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap' (Gal. 6:7), warns the Holy Scripture. The Orthodox Church has been fulfilling its teaching ministry for centuries and blesses educational activities.
Every academic year, we begin with a prayer to God for help for teachers in teaching and for students in acquiring knowledge.
 On this festive day, I offer good advice to teachers, students, and schoolchildren—never forget God in your endeavors, and strive with all your heart to follow His commandments.
The Old Testament prophet and psalmist David says: 'Turn away from evil and do good' (Ps. 34:14).
When asked what one must do to be happy, the ancient ascetic of the 5th century, St. Pimen the Great, replied: 'One must pray much, work hard, and do good to others.'
I wish teachers, schoolchildren, and students health, strength, help from the Lord, and success in your efforts."
From the sermon of Metropolitan Alexander.

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