Spiritual enlightenment
20.08.2024, 17:00

A meeting between Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and the Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church

A meeting between Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and the Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church
On August 20, 2024, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan visited the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, where he met with its chairman, Protopriest Maxim Kozlov.
Protopriest Maxim Kozlov is the rector of the Church-wide Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Program (OCAD); a member of the Higher Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, and the Interdepartmental Coordinating Group for the Teaching of Theology in Higher Education Institutions.
The acting rector of the Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary, Protopriest Evgeny Ivanov, was also present at the meeting between the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan and the Chairman of the Educational Committee.
Metropolitan Alexander informed Protopriest Maxim about the activities of the theological school – the main training center for the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, which holds a state license to conduct educational activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic. His Eminence informed the Chairman of the Educational Committee about the preparations of the Almaty Theological Seminary for the new academic year.
The Archpastor noted that this year marks a historic milestone for the Kazakhstan Metropolis – the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Astana and Almaty Diocese.
Protopriest Maxim informed Metropolitan Alexander about the current work of the Educational Committee, the measures being taken to develop the system of theological education, and the plans to support seminaries operating outside of Russia. The participants discussed the prospects of signing a cooperation agreement between the Church-wide Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Program named after the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius and the Almaty Seminary, which would provide scientific and educational-methodological support to the Kazakh theological school from OCAD.
As a token of the meeting, the Head of the Metropolitan District presented the Chairman of the Educational Committee with his book "The Most Important Thing Within Us is the Soul," published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Turkestan Diocese. In turn, Protopriest Maxim Kozlov presented Metropolitan Alexander with a book by the renowned contemporary historian and cultural scholar Konstantin Kovalev-Sluchevsky, "‘God is With Us!’ The Life and Spiritual Feats of Prince Alexander Suvorov."
At the end of the conversation, the parties exchanged wishes for health and success in their endeavors.
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