October 29, 2024 – Moscow. At the Saints Cyril and Methodius Postgraduate and Doctoral School, a competitive selection of candidates for doctoral studies took place to prepare dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor of Theology, Doctor of Church History, and Doctor of Divinity.
Within the set deadlines, ten scholars applied for admission to doctoral studies, representing institutions such as the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, the Moscow Theological Academy, the Almaty, Kazan, Perm, Tambov, and Saratov Theological Seminaries, North-West University (St. Petersburg), and Kursk State Pedagogical University.
Members of the selection committee included ROC Graduate School Rector Professor Protopriest Maxim Kozlov (Chair), Vice-Rector for Research Associate Professor E.A. Pilipenko, Rector’s Advisor Professor A.M. Pentkovsky, Head of the Department of Church Practical Disciplines Associate Professor Priest Mikhail Zheltov, Head of the Doctoral Department Professor Protopriest Alexei Marchenko (Secretary), and Acting Head of the Department of Church History and Canon Law Associate Professor N.S. Semenova.
After reviewing the dissertation plans, submitted materials, and conducting interviews, eight candidates were recommended for admission to doctoral studies. Among them was Hegumen Agafangel (Gagua), a cleric of the Kazakhstani Metropolitan District Representation at the Church of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love, and Sophia in Moscow, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and Professor. Father Agafangel’s dissertation topic, “Archpastoral Ministry in Kazakhstan in the Context of Church-State Relations in the USSR from 1927 to 1991,” sparked significant interest among the committee members.
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