Spiritual enlightenment
23.11.2024, 11:35

Agreement on Cooperation Signed Between Almaty and Orenburg Orthodox Theological Seminaries

Agreement on Cooperation Signed Between Almaty and Orenburg Orthodox Theological Seminaries
November 22, 2024. Almaty. By the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan and Metropolitan Peter of Orenburg and Saraktash, an agreement on cooperation was signed between the Almaty and Orenburg Orthodox Theological Seminaries at the spiritual and cultural center of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov).
The agreement text, signed by the Acting Rector of the Almaty Theological Seminary and the Rector of the Orenburg Orthodox Theological Seminary, Protopriest Peter Panov, was formally approved with signatures and seals by the Head of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan and the Head of the Orenburg Metropolis.
The signing ceremony was attended by: Hieromonk Agafangel (Budishin), Vice-Rector for External Relations of the Minsk Theological Seminary; Protopriest Ioann Livinsky, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of the Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary; Protopriest Peter Bakhtiyarov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Almaty Theological Seminary; Artem Pavlovich Solovyov, Vice-Rector for Research of the Almaty Theological Seminary and Candidate of Philosophy; Protopriest Alexander Shishlov, Head of the Seminary Administration; Protopriest Georgy Sidorov, Head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Head of the Metropolitan District;  Anton Alexandrovich Efimenko, Press Secretary of the Minsk Theological Seminary.
Thanks to the signed agreement, the leading theological schools of Kazakhstan and Orenburg will jointly hold conferences, seminars, round tables, and expert meetings on topics of mutual interest. They will also conduct joint research, academic, cultural, and educational programs, as well as implement educational initiatives.
During the working meeting, issues of cooperation between the theological schools were discussed.
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