Church and Society
03.12.2024, 11:00

Meeting of Bishop Benjamin of Talgar with Specialists from the Clinical Center of Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Meeting of Bishop Benjamin of Talgar with Specialists from the Clinical Center of Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
December 1, 2024, Almaty. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, Bishop Benjamin, Vicar of the Astana Diocese, met with Dr. Maxim B. Saliba, a surgeon and associate professor at the Department of Faculty Surgery No. 1 of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Clinical Medicine (Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University).
The meeting took place in the fireplace hall of the administrative and spiritual-cultural center of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District, named after Metropolitan Joseph (Chernov).
Attendees included Victoria A. Zhivova, a research trainee from the Department of Faculty Surgery No. 1, and Vladimir P. Pashkov, an employee of the Information and Publishing Department of the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District and a candidate of theology.
Maxim Boshrovich informed the bishop about his visit to Almaty as part of the international scientific collaboration between Sechenov University and leading healthcare specialists in Kazakhstan. He presented an overview of a new method for treating cancer—microwave ablation—being utilized at Sechenov University and major medical institutions in Kazakhstan. This innovative surgical approach holds significant potential for joint research and represents a step forward in adopting minimally invasive techniques in surgery and oncology.
Bishop Benjamin shared updates on key events in the life of the Astana and Almaty Diocese, celebrating its 25th anniversary, and spoke about various church-led social, educational, and youth projects, as well as the activities of the Almaty Orthodox Theological Seminary.
The discussion also explored prospects for collaboration between the Kazakhstan Metropolitan District and the Sechenov University Clinical Center in organizing training courses for sisters of mercy. Both parties emphasized the importance of volunteer service to others and the necessity of high-quality training for members of Orthodox sisterhoods.
As a token of appreciation, Bishop Benjamin presented Dr. Saliba and Victoria Zhivova with a copy of Metropolitan Alexander’s book, The History of Christianity in Central Asia, and calendars of the Metropolitan District for 2025. The guests gifted the bishop a book about distinguished academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences associated with Sechenov University.
The meeting concluded in a cordial atmosphere, with Bishop Benjamin wishing Maxim Boshrovich and Victoria Alexeevna strength of spirit and body and blessed success in their noble service to others.
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