Orthodox News
26.09.2024, 13:55

Representatives of the Metropolitan District of Kazakhstan participated in the Assembly of Hegumens and Hegumenesses of the Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Representatives of the Metropolitan District of Kazakhstan participated in the Assembly of Hegumens and Hegumenesses of the Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On September 25, 2024, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia presided over the Assembly of Hegumens and Hegumenesses of the Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Before the start of the assembly, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the lower Transfiguration Church of the cathedral.

The service was led by Metropolitan Theognost of Kashira, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism and Abbot of the Donskoy Stavropegial Monastery, Metropolitan Zinoviy of Saransk and Mordovia, abbots of several stavropegial monasteries, and clergy of the capital. The participants of the assembly prayed during the service.

The presidium of the meeting was occupied by: His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia; Metropolitan Theognost of Kashira; and the Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department for Monasteries and Monasticism, Abbess Juliana (Kaleda), the Abbess of the Conception Stavropegial Women's Monastery.

Representatives of the Metropolitan District of Kazakhstan participated in the assembly, including Bishop Klavdian of Taldykorgan, Vicar of the Astana Diocese; Hegumen Trifon (Pechkovsky), Abbot of the Seraphim-Theognost Aksai Hermitage for Men; Abbess Varvara (Morozova), Abbess of the Intercession Monastery in the city of Uralsk; and Abbess Olympiada (Salopeko), Abbess of the Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos in the city of Karaganda.

Opening the session, Metropolitan Theognost of Kashira welcomed His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on behalf of all those gathered.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church addressed the participants of the assembly with the main report.

Following this, Bishop Methodius of Yegoryevsk, Abbot of the St. Nicholas-Ugresh Stavropegial Monastery, Rector of the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities, and Acting Chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, delivered a report titled "'Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord' (Ps. 118:1): On the Paths of Knowing God in Monasticism."

Bishop Siluan of Pavlovsky Posad, Deputy Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, presented a report on "Monastic Obedience as Ascetic Creativity."

After Bishop Siluan’s report, His Holiness shared his reflections on spiritual fatherhood and the role of the spiritual guide.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church then answered a number of questions from the participants of the assembly.

Metropolitan Theognost of Kashira, on behalf of all those present, warmly thanked His Holiness for his insightful address and thorough responses to the questions.

At the conclusion of the first part of the session, Patriarch Kirill, commenting on a remark by Archbishop Dimitry of Vitebsk and Orsha about the unique experience and responsibility of clergy who perform the sacrament of Confession, specifically noted: "Yes, indeed, one must have the right answers. Once again, I want to emphasize — there is an enormous responsibility on the priest who hears confessions! Therefore, I address both those present here, dear fathers, and those who will see and hear me. It is better to refrain from speaking than to say something that could harm the soul of a person. If you are unsure about something, delicately suggest that it might be better for the person to read a certain text or to consult another priest. But giving advice off the top of your head that could damage a person’s spiritual life is very dangerous."

"Education of the clergy is a very important factor. A priest is like a surgeon, or generally a doctor: we must learn throughout our entire life," emphasized the Primate. "And in no case should one say, 'Soul, eat, drink, and be merry, I have achieved everything, leave me be.”

“Why is that? Not because a person becomes smarter or dumber, but because the world changes, life changes, and the conditions of the lives of the faithful change. And in order to bear relevant witness, as the Lord calls us to do, as the holy apostles did, we must know and understand much. Therefore, the process of clergy education must be practically continuous. Self-education is necessary, and in some cases—through the creation of appropriate opportunities under diocesan administration—what is called professional development. This allows the consideration of pressing issues that require new pastoral approaches to their resolution."

"In other words, we must constantly learn, constantly, never staying in one place," added His Holiness the Patriarch. "Some might say, 'I have everything—enough education, knowledge, and experience, that's enough,'—and this leads to ruin. This, brothers, applies not only to priests, but also to bishops, and even more so to us. Because a bishop is surrounded by honor and respect, he holds authority. And it can go to one's head: 'Well, what of it? I know everything, I can do it all.' This leads to a paternalistic attitude toward the clergy, looking down from above. This is completely wrong. A bishop also needs constant development, improvement, and education. In this sense, the events taking place now, I believe, are one form of such education for all of us, including the Patriarch. I too, in listening to you, learn a great deal."

"Therefore, may God grant all of us to grow in the strength of knowledge, and most importantly, in the strength of our spirit. God save us!" concluded the Primate of the Russian Church.

A break was then announced, after which the Assembly of Hegumens and Hegumenesses of the Monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church resumed its work.

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