Ksenia (Cherlina-Brailovskaya)

Ksenia (Cherlina-Brailovskaya)

(1881 - 1937) – nun, venerable martyr

Commemoration on September 15 (September 2, O.S.) in the Assembly of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

In the world, Evdokia Cherlina-Brailovskaya was born on January 24, 1881, in Kharkov to a middle-class family. She became a nun at the Seraphim-Diveyevo Trinity Women's Monastery. One investigation mentioned that she "was closely associated with Princess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova before the revolution, traveling with her to various monasteries."

After the revolution and the devastation of her native monastery, she settled in the village of Aleksandro-Vorontsovskoye in the Tver province.

On April 9, 1938, Mother Ksenia was arrested. The accusation read: "participation in a counter-revolutionary monarchist organization, engaging in counter-revolutionary political agitation, specifically traveling through villages for this purpose." She was sentenced to 8 years in a labor camp. From Petropavlovsk Prison, she was transferred to the Koktun-Kulsk department of the KarLag NKVD (Karaganda region, Kazakhstan), where she worked as a calf herder.

In August 1937, Mother Ksenia was arrested in the camp based on a denunciation. The report stated: "Cherlina went to hold a memorial service at Cossack graves for fallen people. Among the prisoners, she said that we, God's people, must pray for the memory of the fallen, and we should not listen to the anti-Christ agitation, that is, Soviet, our people are now being judged, we are now all devoted to God, we must endure, and God will help us." Another part of the report added: "She was trusted to care for the livestock, she prays, and the calves die."

The indictment summarized: "She was part of a counter-revolutionary group that arranged illegal prayers on hills, where they laid out a cross of stones, anti-Soviet agitation, went to hold memorial services for fallen people, counter-revolutionary defeatist agitation." Mother Ksenia did not admit her guilt.

On September 10, 1937, a troika of the NKVD in the Karaganda region sentenced Nun Ksenia (Cherlina-Brailovskaya) to the highest measure of punishment. On September 15, 1937, she was executed by shooting.

She was glorified by the Jubilee Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

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