(1883 - 1937) – Venerable Martyr
Memory: December 15 (December 2, Old Style), in the Assembly of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.
Born in 1883 in the village of Lezhnevo, Lezhnevsky district, Ivanovo region.
From 1902 to 1926, she lived a monastic life in a monastery.
From 1926 to March 22, 1937, she was part of a labor commune.
On March 22, 1937, for "counter-revolutionary activities," she was exiled to Kazakhstan for 5 years.
She served her exile in the village of Maiskoye, Beskaragai district, Pavlodar region.
She was arrested in the village of Maiskoye on December 3, 1937.
On December 4, 1937, the NKVD Troika for the East Kazakhstan region issued a resolution:
Zakachurina M.K.
To be executed.
The sentence was carried out on December 15, 1937, at 2 AM.
She was canonized as a holy martyr and confessor by the Russian Orthodox Church at the Bishops' Council in August 2000 for general church veneration.
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