(1892 - 1937) – Venerable Martyr
Memory day on September 28 (September 15, Old Style) in the Assembly of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.
She was born in 1892 in Moscow.
On June 23, 1937, she was arrested in the city of Chimkent "for belonging to a counter-revolutionary center of churchmen."
On August 23, 1937, the NKVD Troika for the South Kazakhstan region decided:
"Rykova M. S. - to be executed."
The sentence was carried out on September 27, 1937.
The execution took place near the city of Chimkent in a place called Lisya Balka. The burial also took place there.
In August 2000, she was canonized as a holy martyr and confessor by the Russian Orthodox Church at the Jubilee Bishops' Council for general church veneration.