(1894 - 1942) – Martyr
Commemoration on January 11 (December 29 O.S.) in the Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.
She was born in 1894 in the village of Zakupte, Ryazhsky Uyezd, Ryazan Province.
In 1938, she was arrested on charges of evading the census and sentenced to three months of corrective labor. Until August 1939, she was a collective farmer in the "Krasnaya Nov" collective farm in the Ryazhsky District, and then, as recorded in her case file, "she wandered and begged in various districts of the Ryazan Region."
On May 24, 1940, she was detained in the village of Galino, Pronsky (now Skopinsky) District, Ryazan Region, along with Evdokia Nazina and Evdokia Guseva. They were accused of "anti-Soviet agitation" because the women, who were on a pilgrimage to Ryazan, sang spiritual hymns in the house where they stayed for the night.
During the investigation, she was held in the Ryazhsk prison. She was part of the group case "Nazina D.I. and others, Ryazan Region, 1940." She did not plead guilty. She refused to give testimony during the preliminary investigation.
From the indictment:
"The anti-Soviet group of church members organized resistance to elections to the Supreme Soviet, local councils, the census, slandered Soviet power, held illegal gatherings, spread anti-Soviet propaganda, recruited church members and school-age children, indoctrinating them in an anti-Soviet spirit, and conducted anti-Soviet agitation among the population."
On October 25, 1940, she was sentenced by the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Ryazan Regional Court to six years in a corrective labor camp.
On January 11, 1941, her conviction was reclassified under Article 58-10, part 1 of the RSFSR Penal Code. She served her sentence in the KarLag NKVD.
On July 11, 1941, she was arrested in the camp on charges of "counter-revolutionary agitation and sabotage." She was part of the group case "Sundukova N.I. and others, KarLag, 1941." She did not plead guilty and refused to sign the interrogation protocol.
On September 29, she was sentenced to death by the permanent session of the Karaganda Regional Court at KarLag NKVD.
She was executed on January 11, 1942, and buried in an unknown mass grave.
On October 13, 1992, she was rehabilitated by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation for the 1940 repression case, and on April 30, 1998, she was rehabilitated by the prosecutor of the Karaganda Region for the 1941 repression case.
She was canonized as a New Martyr and Confessor of Russia in August 2000 by the Hierarchical Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.