(1905 - 1942) – martyr
Commemoration on January 11 (December 29 O.S.), in the Assembly of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church and the Assembly of Voronezh Saints.
Born in 1905 in the village of Kashirskoye, Levo-Rossoshanskaya volost, Korotoyaksky uyezd, Voronezh province, in the family of a priest.
Completed 4 grades of rural school. She was married and the mother of three children.
Being a peasant individual farmer, she did not join the collective farm. In 1933, she was dispossessed.
Until 1938, she lived in the village of Levaya Rossosh.
After the church in the village was closed, she and three parishioners went to the church in the village of Kondrashkino to ask the former churchwarden, Iosif Ivanovich Serganov, to petition for the reopening of the church and to become its priest.
On June 25, 1938, she was arrested and imprisoned in the Voronezh prison. She was part of the group case No. 2304 "Group case of the counter-revolutionary monarchist group of Serganov I. I. and others, Voronezh region, Levo-Rossoshansky district, 1938."
From the case materials:
"At night, she came to the house of Elena Mikhailovna Zazvonnaya and prayed together with others. She collected food from homes for Serganov I. I., who was forced to live on alms, and took it to him."
On August 22 of the same year, the Judicial Collegium of the Voronezh Regional Court sentenced her under Article 58-10, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, accusing her of "participation in a counter-revolutionary church-monarchist group, spreading anti-Soviet agitation aimed at undermining the collective farm system, disrupting Soviet government measures, and boycotting elections to the Supreme Soviet." She was sentenced to 5 years of corrective labor camps with a 3-year loss of rights. She did not plead guilty.
On March 13, 1941, she was sent to the Karaganda camp of the NKVD. As stated in the characterization: "in the camp, she did not work a single day due to religious beliefs." On July 11 of the same year, she was re-arrested while in custody. She was part of the case of Sundukova N. I. and others, KarLag 1941. She did not plead guilty and refused to sign the interrogation protocol.
On September 29, 1941, the permanent session of the Karaganda Regional Court at the NKVD KarLag sentenced her under Article 58-10, Part 2, 58-14 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, accusing her of "anti-Soviet propaganda among prisoners and counter-revolutionary sabotage." She was sentenced to execution.
Executed on January 11, 1942, in KarLag. Her burial place is unknown.
Rehabilitated on February 19, 1992, by the prosecutor of the Voronezh region for the 1938 repression, and on April 30, 1998, by the prosecutor of the Karaganda region for the 1937 repression.
Canonized among the saints at the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000.
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