Nestor Prokofievich Panin

Nestor Prokofievich Panin

(1881 - 1937) – protopriest, hieromartyr

Commemoration on November 22 (November 9 O.S.) in the Assemblies of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia and Kazakhstan.


He was born in 1881 in a family of townspeople in the city of Semipalatinsk.

In 1905, he graduated from the Tomsk Theological Seminary.

He served as a supervisor and history teacher at the Ishim Theological School.

By the order of the Trustee of the West Siberian Educational District, he was appointed as a teacher of law at the five-class and four-class schools in Omsk from January 1, 1910. On February 2 of the same year, he was ordained as a priest.

From September 29, 1913, he served in the St. Nicholas Church in Semipalatinsk.

By 1937, he served in the Resurrection Cathedral in Semipalatinsk in the rank of protopriest.

On August 28, 1937, he was arrested on charges of being a member of a "counter-revolutionary espionage organization of churchmen." He was part of the group case "The Case of Protopriest Boris Gerasimov. Semipalatinsk, 1937."

During the interrogation, he gave the following testimony:

"I was not a member of the counter-revolutionary organization of churchmen. I cannot provide any testimony on this matter. I do not know the members of the counter-revolutionary organization. I personally composed and distributed a document of counter-revolutionary content called 'Prayer.' This prayer is read in the church daily. I do not deny that I read and wrote this document. I copied it from the book 'Prayers.'"

On November 19, 1937, the troika of the NKVD of the East Kazakhstan region sentenced him to execution.

He was executed on November 22, 1937, at 2 AM in Semipalatinsk.

On April 25, 1989, he was rehabilitated by the prosecutor of the Semipalatinsk region (for the repressions of 1937).

On December 27, 2000, by the decision of the Holy Synod, he was canonized among the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia for general church veneration.

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