Parfeniy Petrovich Krasivsky

Parfeniy Petrovich Krasivsky

(1859 - 1919) – Priest, Hieromartyr

Memory on September 16 (September 3 O.S.), in the Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of Kazakhstan and the Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

He was born on January 25, 1859, in Tomsk, in a deacon's family.

In 1866, the family moved to the Urzhar stanitsa in the Lepsinsky district of the Semirechensk region. He studied at the Urzhar Cossack school.

On January 1, 1876, he was appointed as a sexton to the Turkestan Cathedral by Bishop Sofony of Turkestan and Tashkent. On September 17, 1876, the same bishop vested him with the sticharion.

On August 25, 1878, he was enrolled as a psalmist at the Turkestan Cathedral.

On April 20, 1879, he was transferred to the Bolshaya-Almatinskaya Sofia Church.

On November 18, 1880, he was assigned to the Dimitrievsky Church in the village of Zaytsevskoye.

On February 1, 1882, at his own request, he was transferred to the Przhevalsk Holy Trinity Church.

On June 7, 1904, he was transferred to the Ivanov Kazan Mother of God Church as a psalmist.

On August 15, 1904, he was ordained as a deacon and on August 18, he was transferred to the Holy Trinity Church in the city of Verny.

On February 9, 1902, he was transferred to the Maly-Stanichnaya Kazan Church in Verny and appointed as the law teacher at the parish school. On March 12, 1911, he was ordained as a priest.

In 1919, he was burned alive by fighters from Kikhteenko's detachment near the left porch of the Kazan Church in the city of Verny. A memorial cross stood on this spot until the Kazan Church was closed in 1936.

In 2000, at the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Priest Parfeniy Petrovich Krasivsky was glorified as a saint among the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

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