Fevronia (Ishina)

Fevronia (Ishina)

(1872 - 1937) – Venerable Martyr

Commemoration: December 15 (December 2, Old Style), in the Synaxis of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

Fevronia was born on June 25, 1872, in the village of Tikhvinka, Kirsanov County, Tambov Province. From the age of 9, she was a novice at the Tikhvin Convent in the town of Kirsanov (Tambov Province), where she stayed until 1919. During her time in the monastery, she made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where she stayed for 1 year and 7 months. As a skilled artist, she was sent to Rome for further studies, where she lived for over two months. A well-traveled and devout prayer warrior, she remained steadfast in her faith. When the Russian Church was engulfed in turmoil, she resisted the temptations of the Renovationist movement, adhering to what was then called the "Tikhonite orientation."

On February 25, 1934, she was arrested and imprisoned in Tambov. The charges against her were "membership in a counter-revolutionary church-monarchist group consisting of reactionary clergy and monastics." Mother Fevronia did not plead guilty, and on March 21, 1934, the troika of the OGPU for the Central Black Earth Region sentenced her to 3 years of corrective labor, conditionally. She was released from custody at that time.

Her next arrest occurred on March 22, 1937. Mother Fevronia Ishina, along with the general accusation of being "an active member of a counter-revolutionary group of monastics and clergy," was also accused of "conducting anti-Soviet agitation and spreading counter-revolutionary provocative rumors about collective farms at gatherings in her apartment. She facilitated the secret baptism of school-aged children and involved them in religious activities, for which she had been previously exiled."

She was exiled to Kazakhstan for 3 years, serving her sentence in the village of Mayskoye in the Beskaragai District of Pavlodar Region. She was arrested in Mayskoye on December 3, 1937.

On December 4, 1937, the troika of the NKVD for the East Kazakhstan Region issued a resolution:

Ishina F. N.
To be shot.

The sentence was carried out on December 15, 1937, at 2 a.m.

Fevronia was canonized among the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in August 2000 by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church for general church veneration.

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