(1883 - 1937) – Hegumen, Venerable Martyr
Commemoration day: September 20 (September 7, O.S.), in the Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
Born in 1883 in the city of Ignatyevich (Poland) into a peasant family. He graduated from a two-year city school in Vladimir-Volynsky.
From 1905 to 1907, he served in the army as a psalmist.
In 1908, he joined the brotherhood of the Pochayiv Lavra of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, and by 1917, he became a hegumen.
From 1918, he served as a priest in Zhytomyr and later in Kodnya, Troyanivsky District, Kyiv Region (now Zhytomyr Region).
On November 11, 1935, he was arrested and on February 26, 1936, sentenced by the Collegium of the Kyiv Regional Court to 5 years "for connections with counter-revolutionary organizations abroad and the clergy." He was imprisoned in Kyiv and later transferred to the Karaganda correctional labor camp. In the camp, he participated in secret services with Metropolitan Evgeny (Zernov) of Gorky.
On September 11, 1937, he was arrested in the camp, accused of "anti-Soviet, counter-revolutionary religious agitation," and included in the case of Metropolitan Evgeny (Zernov).
On September 20, 1937, the Special Troika of the NKVD for the Karaganda Region sentenced him to death.
He was glorified by the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.