(1883-1937) – Priest, Hieromartyr
Commemoration Day on September 15 (September 2, O.S.), in the Synaxis of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.
Father Vladimir was a singer in church choirs. Orphaned early, he was taken into a private church choir's patronage.
In 1903, he moved to Moscow with the church choir and sang in Moscow churches. In 1912, he obtained a position as a singing teacher in Klin, Moscow Province, and simultaneously served as the choir director of the cathedral choir for six months.
He then moved to the village of Spas-Kvashonki, Kalyazin County, Tver Province, where he taught singing in the local school and led the church choir.
In 1916, Vladimir was drafted into the army, serving as a private in the 238th Reserve Rifle Infantry Regiment in Orel.
In 1917, he returned to Moscow, taught singing in schools, worked in various Soviet institutions from 1924, sang in a church choir, and prepared for holy orders.
Vladimir and his wife, who had no children, adopted an orphaned boy.
On July 27, 1934, he was ordained a deacon, and in August, a priest for the Church of Martyrs Adrian and Natalia in the town of Losinoostrovskaya near Moscow (now within Moscow). He diligently fulfilled his pastoral duties and soon became known as a fervent prayerful ascetic. Later, during the investigation of Father Vladimir's case, witnesses testified that healings occurred through his prayers.
On April 1, 1935, he was arrested, imprisoned in Butyrka Prison, and accused of "systematically conducting anti-Soviet agitation, engaging in incitement, and spreading provocative rumors about the persecution of the Orthodox Church in the USSR." Father Vladimir did not agree with the accusation. On June 8, the Special Council of the NKVD sentenced the hieromartyr to 3 years in a labor camp. He served his sentence in the Burminsk department of the Karaganda camp, where he worked as the head of a forage warehouse.
On September 1, 1937, he was arrested in the camp during the investigation of the group case of Bishop Damaskin (Tsedrik), accused of "continuing his counter-revolutionary activities while imprisoned in the Karaganda NKVD camp by gathering with Tsedrik, Morinsky, and Lilov for prayer singing in the postal expedition building and with Goryachev for evening prayer readings, and persuading a prisoner not to renounce holy orders." Father Vladimir did not admit to "counter-revolutionary activities."
He was executed by shooting on September 10, 1937, by the decree of the NKVD troika of the Karaganda region, on the same day as hieromartyrs Bishop Damaskin and Archpriest Euthymius (Goryachev).
He was glorified by the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.
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