(1906 - 1942) – Martyr
Commemoration day on January 11 (December 29 O.S.), in the Assembly of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, as well as in the Assemblies of Voronezh and Lipetsk Saints.
She was born in 1906 in the village of Donskiye Izbischi, Zadonsky district, Voronezh province (now Lebedyansky district, Lipetsk region) in a peasant family of the Filyayevs.
She was married to Alexey Stepanovich Denisov and had children.
In 1936, she was arrested by the NKVD on charges of counter-revolutionary activities and sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment.
In 1939, she was again convicted on charges of "failure to provide information for the population census." The sentence was a reprimand (due to the presence of young children).
On July 18, 1940, she was arrested and imprisoned in the town of Dankov. She was part of the "group case of Akishin I. T.; Lipetsk (Ryazan region), Lebedyansky district, Don-Izbiщensky, 1940." From her testimony in the 1940 archive case:
"I have been a member of the party of Jesus Christ since birth, so I left the collective farm about 5 or six years ago. I saw godless deeds in the collective farm: they worked on holidays, broke churches. I left the collective farm by agreement with my husband, and not alone. I didn't pass the census because I don't want to be written in Soviet books. I didn't pay taxes after my husband was arrested. I didn't go to any elections and didn't want to vote, I voted for Jesus Christ, for his party, and not for the Antichrist."
During the investigation, she did not sign any interrogation protocols or other papers, saying "it is a sin" and "I cannot sign and trust no one," and that the Soviet government is "from the Antichrist."
On September 28, 1940, the Ryazan Regional Court convicted her under articles 58-10, part 2; 58-11 of the RSFSR Criminal Code as an "active church member, participant in an anti-socialist church group, conducted counter-revolutionary agitation, slandered collective farms and collective farmers, raised her son in the spirit of counter-revolutionary religious fanaticism." The sentence was 10 years of corrective labor camps.
According to the Orthodox Encyclopedia, she was convicted on October 23, 1940, by the Judicial Collegium of the Ryazan Region and sentenced to 8 years in a corrective labor camp.
She served her sentence in the Karaganda NKVD camp (Karlag).
On July 11, 1941, she was re-arrested in Karlag. She was part of the "group case of Sundukova N. I.; Karlag, 1941," did not plead guilty, and refused to sign the interrogation protocol.
On September 29 of the same year, the Permanent Session of the Karaganda Regional Court at Karlag NKVD convicted her under articles 58-10 part 2; 58-14 of the RSFSR Criminal Code "counter-revolutionary agitation, sabotage" and sentenced her to execution.
She was executed on January 11, 1942, in Karlag. The place of burial is unknown.
On July 6, 1992, she was rehabilitated by the prosecutor of the Lipetsk region for the 1940 repressions.
On April 30, 1998, she was rehabilitated by the prosecutor of the Karaganda region for the 1941 repressions.
In August 2000, she was canonized by the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church for general church veneration.
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