By the ineffable providence of God, revealed through the will of the ecclesiastical authority, you have b...
By the ineffable providence of God, revealed through the will of the ecclesiastical authority, you have b...
I warmly greet all of you – the organizers, participants, and guests of the International Scientific and ...
The Almighty God, who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not...
On October 3, 2024, the feast day of Saint Oleg, the pious Prince of Bryansk, marks the name day of Oleg ...
I sincerely congratulate you on these sacred celebrations! We continue to venerate the precious and life-...
On September 28, 2024, the Secretary of the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan, Honored Artist of the Russian ...
This year marks a spiritually significant occasion for all of us—the 20th anniversary of the glorificatio...
August 30, 2024 – Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Head of the Orthodox Church of Kaza...
With the special blessing of God, the sisters of the monastery in honor of the icon of the Queen of Heave...
August 24, 2024. The channel of the Minsk Orthodox Theological Seminary - in the program "Gospel in the M...
The concept of "schism" or "division," known in Greek as "schisma," appears in the New Testament of the H...
Today, on the ancient Kostroma land, we are celebrating the significant anniversaries that turn our thoug...
The Annual Educational Initiative “Total Dictation” Held in the Petropavlovsk Diocese
More detailsMetropolitan Alexander Performs the First Reading of the Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete in the Great Lent of This Year
More detailsArchbishop Sebastian of Karaganda and Shakhtinsk Participates in Events Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and the Day of Gratitude
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